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Marcus Leadley - Recipes

Pork with Red Wine and Star Anise


Two generous pork streaks
I glass red wine
3 cloves garlic (in husk)
4 full pieces of star anise
I medium onion, roughly chopped
3 tabsp soy sauce
Black pepper
2 teaspoons dries thyme
2 teasp clear honey (or sugar)  

This is possibly the best pork recipe ever! I’ve adapted it from Chinese cooking but the honey and thyme gesture toward Ancient Rome. Place a shallow metal oven pan over low gas flame and pour in the wine. Drive off the alcohol and than add the soy sauce, thyme, Black pepper, roughly chopped onion, whole garlic cloves, star anise and honey. Bring to the boil and mix thoroughly. Place pork steaks in the mixture and turn a couple of times. Rake the onion and garlic on top of the meat (so they will roast rather than boil) and transfer to a hot oven (160 – 180 degrees C). Cooking time will be about 40 minutes – turn the meat at least once. When cooked, transfer the meat to a plate and place in the over to keep warm. Over a small bowl carefully pour the wine mixture through a sieve. Then, with the back of a wooden spoon press all the juices out of the remaining mix making sure to force the now roasted garlic through the sieve.  Discard the remaining pulp. Skim any excess fat from this sauce and serve to the table immediately with the pork.  Serve new potatoes, French beans or broccoli on the side.

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